Saturday, January 28, 2017

Don't Drink Hemlock: Compassion & Choices' Mission Is to Promote Suicide

The push to enact HB 201 (assisted suicide/euthanasia)  is being
spearheaded by the suicide advocacy group, Compassion
& Choices.

Compassion & Choices was formed in 2004 as the result of a merger/takeover of two other organizations.[1] One of these organizations was the former Hemlock Society, originally formed by Derek Humphry.[2]

Friday, January 27, 2017

HB 201 Allows Euthanai

The Oregon Experience is B.S.

The claim by assisted suicide proponents, that Oregon's law is safe, cannot be independently
verified: (1) Studies making the claim are invalid; (2) Oregon's data cannot be verified; and (3) Even law enforcement is denied access to information.